Physical Therapy
Physical therapy sessions include an initial evaluation, instruction of an individualized home exercise program, craniosacral therapy and somatoemotional release, and use of adjunct techniques to enhance change. All sessions are individualized according to your needs and goals, and with a mind and body integrative approach.
I provide physical therapy for a variety of disorders including, but not limited to:
Various orthopedic disorders- including scoliosis, TMJ, torticollis.
Acute and chronic pain- back and neck pain, headaches, tinnitus.
Neurological disorders- CVA (stroke), TBI (head injury), spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, and peripheral nerve injury or compression.
Pre-and postnatal care- minimizes pain and discomfort during pregnancy, enhances a healthy and smooth delivery.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Gastrointestinal disorders.
Cardiac disorders.
Blood pressure issues.
I primarily utilize craniosacral therapy, but incorporate a variety of other techniques, some of which include, but not limited to:
Muscle Energy: A direct technique for mobilizing a joint utilizing an isometric contraction for management of hypomobile structures to restore biomechanical and physiological function of the body.
Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT): The Bobath approach to treatment of neurological disorders, with emphasis on function and quality of holistic learning, integrating into the physiology (NDT certified).
Educational Kinesiology (Brain Gym): Movement activities to enhance specific types of holistic learning, centering, and relaxation, integrating into physiology. Four basic activities are primarily utilized and may assist in preparing ourselves to learn in the present moment by focusing our resources on the task at hand. These are four states necessary for whole brain learning (integrating right and left brain, restore equilibrium after emotional or environmental stress, stimulate neurotransmitter production at synapses in the brain assisting with self centering, and water consumption which conducts electricity in the body). Activities are also utilized to improve whole body and fine motor movement.
Esoteric Healing: A technique to balance chakras with its associated organs and endocrine glands, to enhance connection between the physical body and astral body for overall wellness.
General strengthening and stretching exercises.
Breathing exercises.
Pilates and yoga: Exercises with emphasis on core strength and flexibility (incorporating the arms and legs), attention to breath, and integrating the mind and body in movement and in stillness.
Meditation: A quieting of our mind and body with intention to train individual’s attention to be more aware, assisting our connection in life. Improves concentration, assists our attention to connect fully in life, and opens compassionate awareness.
Mindfulness: Purposeful, non-judgment attention to the present moment. Attention to breath and whatever is present in the given moment inside and outside an individual.
*Please note clients with more direct physical exercise needs will be referred to gym based physical therapy settings.