Craniosacral Therapy (CST) & Somatoemotional Release (SER)
What is CST? How is it done? A typical CST session?
With CST, the practitioner begins a session by palpating the craniosacral rhythm, as well as feeling for any restricted areas throughout the body. The craniosacral motion (produced by the movement of the cerebral spinal fluid in the brain and spinal cord) is evaluated for rate, amplitude, symmetry, and quality. The body’s fascia is evaluated for loss of mobility as an aid to locating problem areas. Then gentle pressure is applied with the hands to the restricted area(s) or to the area(s) of maximum motion, to facilitate release. The therapist’s hands may be on bone, muscle, organ, and/or fascia tissue during treatment. As restricted areas release, becoming more open, and regions become more aligned, function in many areas of one’s being (physical and/or emotional) may improve. With CST, the therapist addresses the source of the problem(s) that in turn affect their symptoms. Because of this, in chronic conditions and in more involved diagnoses, the results may be slower, yet more beneficial in the long term.
What is the SER aspect of CST?
“Dis-ease” of the mind, body, or spirit may be stored as a residue in the body tissues and can be explored or released utilizing the CST component of somatoemotional release (SER). The body is viewed as a whole considering a variety of factors that may be contributing to the client’s problem(s), including somatic issues. With CST and SER the therapist works as a facilitator to the body in it’s healing. The therapist assists individuals in their own natural self-corrective activities within the craniosacral system, the body, and the mind. Working in this manner requires a cooperative relationship between the therapist and client.
Where does CST come from? Who can perform CST?
CST was originally discovered in the early 1900’s and developed by osteopathic physicians. Since the 1970’s its practice has grown substantially worldwide. It is commonly practiced by CST trained physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other trained healthcare practitioners. Due to the intensity of CST at times, an adequate medical background is necessary.
Who can benefit from CST? Everyone!
Orthopedic disorders- acute and chronic pain
Back and neck pain, headaches, TMJ (jaw pain), stomach and intestinal pain
(stress related), torticollis (twisting of neck to side).Sleep and anxiety disorders.
Preventive healthcare, stress management, overall wellness.
Neurological disorders – CVA (stroke), TBI (head injury), spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, and/or peripheral nerve injury or compression (Erb’s Palsy, involving the arm and Bell’s Palsy, involving the face).
Hyperactivity and learning disabilities.
Sinus problems
Tinnitus (ringing of the ear)
Pre- and postnatal care – preferably started in early stages of pregnancy to assist the body’s adjustment to growth of the fetus, minimize pain and discomfort during pregnancy, and enhancing a natural, healthy, and smooth delivery.
Psychosocial, emotional, and extrasensory challenges.
Contraindications of CST
It is the innate ability of the patient’s own system to correct itself that ensures the safety of CST. Because CST is gentle and non-invasive, there is little danger of adverse reaction. Since it affects the pressure of the fluid in the brain, its use is contraindicated for those with recent conditions of stroke, cerebral aneurysm, brain tumor, head injury, and/or bleeding in the brain.