Access Consciousness/Bars©
How is it done? A typical Access Consciousness or Bars© session and how may it benefit me?
With Bars©, the practitioner works on 32 points on the head called “The Bars©,” developed by Gary Douglas and now in conjunction with Dain Heer. Clients lie down, and each point is touched with intention to facilitate more consciousness without judgment, to enhance a willingness and capacity to be aware and present, and to awaken to more possibility and choice.
Bars may assist to acknowledge yourself as an infinite being and who you truly are, and to create a different reality in that all things that are possible. Bars may enhance awareness to a greater set of choices and possibilities, and empower you with what you know. It can also “unlock” that which keeps us stuck, release aspects of past conditioning and limitation of thoughts, and see differences as just an interesting point of view.
Who can benefit?
Everyone. We all run into times where we have limitation of thoughts or feelings of limited possibility.